“Crows Zero” is a 2007 Japanese action film Directed by Takashi Miike. The movie is based on the manga “Crows” by Hiroshi Takahashi and serves as a prequel to the “Crows” manga series.
The story is set in Suzuran All-Boys High School, an institution known for its violent and competitive atmosphere. The school is divided into various factions, each led by a powerful and charismatic student. The main protagonist, Genji Takiya (played by Shun Oguri), is a transfer student who arrives at Suzuran with the intention of becoming the school’s top fighter and taking control of the campus.
Genji quickly becomes embroiled in the fierce power struggles and territorial disputes among the school’s factions. As he navigates the challenges of his new environment, he forms alliances, makes enemies, and engages in epic battles with other students in his quest for dominance.
Release Date | 27 October 2007 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h 10m |