“Vaalvi,” directed by Paresh Mokashi, follows the tale of Aniket, who finds himself at his wits’ end with his wife, Avani, and wishes to part ways through a divorce. Despite his intentions, Avani adamantly refuses to agree to the separation. Frustrated and seeking a way out of his predicament, Aniket, along with his girlfriend, hatches a sinister plan to end Avani’s life. However, as they set their plans in motion, unexpected twists and unforeseen complications disrupt their devious plot, leading to a sequence of events that deviates far from their carefully laid intentions. The narrative unveils the complexities and repercussions of their ill-fated scheme, as their efforts to resolve their issues only exacerbate the situation, causing unexpected chaos and turmoil.
Release Date | 13 January 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 1h 46m |
Vaalvi (2023) Subtitles