One Piece (2023) English Subtitle Download

“One Piece,” envisioned by Steven Maeda and Matt Owens, charts the epic saga following the demise of Gold Roger. The narrative orbits around Monkey D. Luffy, a young aspirant, yearning to assemble his own crew, discover the elusive treasure known as “One Piece,” and ultimately claim the illustrious title of Pirate King. Endowed with unique abilities after consuming a devil fruit, Luffy acquires the extraordinary power to render his body as flexible as rubber, yielding immense strength and unmatched agility. The series promises an adventurous odyssey as Luffy navigates uncharted waters, encounters diverse adversaries, and embraces the challenges and camaraderie inherent in the quest for greatness upon the high seas.

Release Date August 31, 2023
File TypeSRT (Zip File)
Episodes8 Episodes

One Piece(2023) Subtitles