Director: Jared Moshe
In “Aporia,” directed by Jared Moshe, the narrative centers around Sophie, who grapples with overwhelming grief and the challenges of single parenthood after losing her husband in a drunken driving accident. Her life takes a surreal turn when a former physicist unveils a time-bending machine that promises to restore her past. As Sophie confronts the tantalizing prospect of reclaiming her former life, an impossible choice looms, accompanied by unforeseeable consequences. Moshe’s directorial prowess is poised to deliver a thought-provoking exploration of grief, choices, and the complexities of navigating through a world where time itself becomes a malleable force.
Release Date | 27 July 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 32m |
Aporia (2023) Subtitles