Director: Jared Lapidus
“Office Race,” directed by Jared Lapidus, unfolds the comedic tale of an unmotivated office drone who, despite his reluctance to go the extra mile at work, decides to take on an ambitious challenge. In a bid to outdo his insufferable boss, the protagonist is willing to go the literal extra mile by participating in a marathon, covering the distance of 26.2 miles. Lapidus’s direction promises a humorous exploration of workplace dynamics, ambition, and the unexpected lengths individuals may go to prove a point. “Office Race” is poised to deliver a blend of laughs and lighthearted commentary on the quirks of office culture and the pursuit of recognition.
Release Date | 4 September 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 21m |
Office Race (2023) Subtitles