Director: Jude Anthany Joseph
In “2018,” directed by Jude Anthany Joseph, the film unfolds against the backdrop of catastrophic floods that struck Kerala. People from all walks of life find themselves facing dire consequences as the devastating natural disaster unfolds. Amidst the chaos, the narrative captures the resilience and unity of the people of Kerala as they come together, working collectively to survive the calamity. Joseph’s direction promises a poignant and impactful portrayal of a community facing adversity, highlighting the strength that emerges in times of crisis. “2018” is set to be a compelling and emotional exploration of human endurance, solidarity, and the indomitable spirit of a region in the face of tragedy.
Release Date | 5 May 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 2h 28m |
2018 (2023) Subtitles