Directors: Brit McAdams, Carl Nargle
In “Paint,” directed by Brit McAdams and Carl Nargle, the narrative centers around Carl Nargle, a local treasure known for his soothing voice as the host of a painting show on Vermont public television. Carl’s art has garnered attention, particularly from the women at the station. However, when a new painter is hired to revitalize the channel, Carl’s own insecurities about his artistic talents come to the forefront. McAdams and Nargle’s direction promises a character-driven exploration of artistic expression, competition, and self-discovery. “Paint” is set to deliver a nuanced and introspective story that delves into the world of public television and the complexities of artistic identity.
Release Date | 7 April 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 36m |
Paint (2023) Subtitles