Director: Fintan Connolly
In the gripping thriller “Barber,” directed by Fintan Connolly, the narrative unfolds as a wealthy widow enlists the services of private investigator Val Barber to locate her missing granddaughter. However, as Barber delves deeper into the investigation, dark secrets begin to surface. The stakes rise significantly as he becomes entangled with shady and powerful individuals determined to obstruct his pursuit of the truth. Under Fintan Connolly’s direction, the film promises to be a suspenseful and intricate exploration of mystery, intrigue, and the complexities that arise when uncovering hidden truths in the pursuit of justice.
Release Date | February 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 30m |
Barber (2023) Subtitles