Director: Nadine Crocker
“Desperation Road,” directed by Nadine Crocker, unfurls a gripping narrative where a woman and her young daughter find themselves ensnared in the crossfire of whiskey, guns, and a quest for revenge in a rough-and-tumble Mississippi town. The film explores the harsh realities and unforgiving landscapes of the Southern setting as characters navigate through a web of violence and desperation. Nadine Crocker’s direction promises a visceral and emotionally charged experience as the story unfolds, capturing the raw essence of survival and resilience in the face of a turbulent and unforgiving environment. “Desperation Road” offers a compelling tale of danger, redemption, and the lengths one must go to protect those they love.
Release Date | 6 October 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 52m |
Desperation Road (2023) Subtitles