“Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell,” directed by Pham Thien An, unfolds a poignant narrative centered around Thien, who undertakes the emotional journey of delivering his sister-in-law’s body to their countryside hometown in Vietnam after a tragic accident in Saigon. Alongside him is his 5-year-old nephew Dao, the lone survivor of the crash. As Thien navigates the mystical landscapes of rural Vietnam, he not only grapples with the weight of loss but also searches for his elusive older brother. Pham Thien An skillfully weaves a tale of grief, resilience, and familial bonds, creating a cinematic exploration of the profound connections that exist within the cocoon of shared memories and shared sorrows.
Release Date | 11 August 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 2h 58m |
Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell (2023) Subtitles