“Kane,” directed by Blair Moore, unfolds a gritty tale centered around Benny, who works for the old-school crime boss Abe. However, Abe is not your typical mob boss; he grapples with multiple personalities, each with its own distinct traits. The narrative takes a dark turn as Abe finds himself embroiled in a gang war with the notorious Frankie, with Benny caught in the middle. The most lethal of Abe’s personalities, Kane, takes center stage, and the next 24 hours promise to be a deadly struggle for survival. “Kane” explores themes of crime, identity, and the brutal consequences of gang warfare, making it a gripping and intense cinematic experience.
Release Date | November 10 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 30m |
Kane (2023) Subtitles