“Mojave Diamonds,” directed by Asif Akbar, unfolds a high-stakes narrative involving a former MMA fighter and his brothers. The story revolves around the urgent mission to rescue their kidnapped family from a dangerous crime syndicate. The urgency intensifies as $50 million worth of illegal diamonds are stolen, putting the family in imminent peril.
Under Asif Akbar’s direction, “Mojave Diamonds” promises to be a pulse-pounding action thriller, combining the physical prowess of an ex-MMA fighter with the suspenseful elements of a crime syndicate plot. Akbar’s directorial style is likely to bring intensity, visual flair, and a compelling storytelling approach to the film. Audiences can anticipate an adrenaline-fueled ride as the characters navigate a dangerous criminal underworld in a bid to save their loved ones and recover the stolen diamonds.
Release Date | May 30 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 38m |
Mojave Diamonds (2023) Subtitles