“Murder Runs in the Family,” directed by Kyle Cooper and Jason Wan Lim, unfolds a suspenseful and gripping narrative. Following the tragic death of her adoptive mother in a mysterious accident, art therapist Wren Williams discovers that her birth mother met a similar fate. Fueled by growing fear, Wren begins to suspect that her father may be responsible for both deaths, harboring family secrets. As she embarks on a quest for answers, Wren must navigate the delicate balance of protecting herself and her younger siblings while keeping her father close.
Under the dual direction of Cooper and Lim, the film is likely to combine elements of psychological thriller and family drama. “Murder Runs in the Family” promises to deliver tense and emotionally charged sequences as Wren delves into the dark secrets of her family’s past. Cooper and Lim may bring a visual and narrative dynamic to capture the suspenseful atmosphere and complex relationships at the heart of the story, creating a compelling cinematic experience.
Release Date | 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 25m |
Murder Runs in the Family (2023) Subtitles