“Night of the Missing,” directed by Samuel Gonzalez Jr. and Matthew Hersh, introduces a mysterious and suspenseful narrative. A secretive small-town sheriff receives a visit from a mysterious woman who recounts bizarre stories involving missing persons.
Under the co-direction of Gonzalez Jr. and Hersh, the film is likely to explore elements of mystery, intrigue, and the supernatural. The directors may collaborate to create an atmospheric and enigmatic storytelling experience, delving into the complexities of the sheriff’s investigation and the strange tales shared by the mysterious woman. “Night of the Missing” promises to be a compelling and mysterious exploration of the unknown and the secrets hidden within a small town.
Release Date | November 28 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 13m |
Night of the Missing (2023) Subtitles