“Nightmare Pageant Moms,” directed by Linden Ashby, explores a narrative where Emilia and her daughter Sophie find themselves in a financial predicament. In a quest to pay for Sophie’s college, they discover an unconventional option—a regional Mother-Daughter beauty pageant with a scholarship prize.
Under Linden Ashby’s direction, the film is likely to delve into themes of financial struggle, family dynamics, and the world of beauty pageants. Ashby may bring a blend of humor and heart to the storytelling, capturing the challenges and unexpected moments that arise as Emilia and Sophie navigate the competitive world of pageantry. “Nightmare Pageant Moms” promises to be an entertaining and possibly thought-provoking exploration of the lengths people go to secure their dreams and aspirations.
Release Date | 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 45m |
Nightmare Pageant Moms (2023) Subtitles