Ouija Witch (2023) English Subtitle Download

In “Ouija Witch,” directed by Robert Michael Ryan, the narrative unfolds around a young woman who seeks justice after a harrowing assault. Following the traumatic incident, she discovers a mysterious shopkeeper who promises to aid her cause. Desperate for retribution, she consents to the shopkeeper’s unusual methods, which involve summoning the vengeful spirit of an ancient witch through a Ouija board. As the supernatural forces are unleashed, the boundaries between the living and the dead blur, leading to a chilling confrontation with the perpetrators of the crime. Through a blend of horror and suspense, the film explores themes of trauma, justice, and the consequences of seeking revenge from the realm beyond.

Release DateJuly 4 2023
File TypeSRT (Zip File)
Duration1h 28m

Ouija Witch (2023) Subtitles