In “Rotting in the Sun,” directed by Sebastián Silva, a filmmaker grappling with an existential crisis seeks solace in a vacation to a Mexican gay nudist beach. There, he encounters a social media celebrity who proposes a collaboration on a new TV show. However, when one of them vanishes mysteriously, the other embarks on a wild journey through Mexico City to locate him. Amidst the vibrant backdrop of the city, the filmmaker navigates through unexpected encounters and revelations, unraveling the complexities of friendship, fame, and self-discovery. With Silva’s signature blend of humor and introspection, “Rotting in the Sun” offers a poignant exploration of identity and connection in the modern age.
Release Date | 22 January 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 49m |
Rotting in the Sun (2023) Subtitles