Slow (2023) English Subtitle Download

“Slow,” under the direction of Marija Kavtaradze, presents a poignant and tender exploration of love and connection. Dancer Elena and sign language interpreter Dovydas find themselves drawn together, forging a beautiful bond that transcends words. As they embark on a journey into a new relationship, they must navigate the complexities of building intimacy in their own unique way. Kavtaradze delicately crafts a narrative that celebrates the beauty of human connection and the power of understanding beyond spoken language. “Slow” promises to be a heartfelt portrayal of love’s ability to bridge the gaps between us, offering a gentle reminder that true intimacy knows no bounds.

Release DateJanuary 22 2023
File TypeSRT (Zip File)
Duration1h 48m

Slow (2023) Subtitles