The Christmas Classic (2023) English Subtitle Download

“The Christmas Classic,” directed by Shane Dax Taylor, unfolds as Elizabeth returns to her hometown with a mission: to convince her old flame, Randy, to sell his beloved local ski resort to her fiancĂ©’s corporation. However, Randy isn’t willing to part with the resort so easily. Instead, he proposes a challenge to Elizabeth: she must win the annual Christmas Classic, a series of exhilarating ski events, in order to secure the deal. As Elizabeth reluctantly agrees to Randy’s terms, she finds herself caught up in a whirlwind of holiday cheer, competitive spirit, and rekindled romance. Taylor’s direction promises to blend heartwarming moments with adrenaline-fueled excitement as Elizabeth navigates the slopes and her feelings for Randy. “The Christmas Classic” offers a festive and uplifting tale of second chances, snowy escapades, and the magic of the holiday season. Through Taylor’s lens, viewers are invited to experience the joy of friendship, love, and the spirit of Christmas in a charming winter wonderland setting.

Release DateNovember 3 2023
File TypeSRT (Zip File)
Duration1h 45m

The Christmas Classic (2023) Subtitles