Directors: Bruno Garotti, Jamile Marinho
Genre: Romance, Drama
“Um Ano Inesquecível: Primavera,” directed by Bruno Garotti and Jamile Marinho, tells the story of Jasmine, an honors student and gifted artist struggling with math. Her teacher arranges for her to receive tutoring from a fellow student, but as Jasmine and her tutor spend more time together, they develop feelings for each other. The blossoming romance adds complexity to their academic relationship, and Jasmine must navigate her emotions while trying to improve her grades. Set against the vibrant backdrop of spring, the film explores themes of young love, personal growth, and the balance between academic and emotional challenges.
Release Date | June 23 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 19m |
Um Ano Inesquecível: Primavera (2023) Subtitles