Head on a Plate (2023), directed by Gary Dean Orona, is a sci-fi horror film that delves into the terrifying unknown near the infamous Area 51. When a shapeshifting alien species resurfaces, their gruesome modus operandi—decapitating humans and feasting on their brains—sends shockwaves through a nearby desert town. As the town’s inhabitants uncover the horrifying truth, they learn that these extraterrestrial predators have secretly coexisted with humanity for millions of years. Combining visceral scares with an eerie atmosphere, the film explores humanity’s vulnerability in the face of ancient and relentless predators.
Release Date | November 21, 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 22m |
Head on a Plate (2023) Subtitles