The Japanese science fiction film is directed by Hiroyuki Imaishi and is based on Imai Toonz’s manga by the same name. The movie features the voices of Takao Honda, Kppei Yamaguchi, Mitsuo Iwata, Nobuo Tobita, Kiyoyuk Yananda, Wataru Takagi, Yuko Mizutani Keiji Takemoto, Hidenobu Kiuchi, and Masami Iwasaki.
Pandy and Retro two renegades wake on earth, with n memories of the part. To survive on the planet, they mark on a journey of a crime spree and lands up in an infamous prison called the Dead Leaves.
Release date | 17 January 2004 |
Language | English |
Running time | 52 minutes |
File type | SRT (Zip file) |