The Japanese animated film is directed by Noboru Ishiguro and Shoji Kawamori. The movie features the voices of Arihiro Hase, Mari Iijima, Mika Doi, Akira Kamiya, Eiji Kanie, Eri Takeda, Hiromi Tusru, Hirotaka Suzuoki, Katsumi Suzuki, Osama Ichikawa, Runb Sasaki, Ryusuke Obayashi, Sanae miyuki, Sho Hayami, Yoshino Ohtori and Ikuyu Sawaki.
The spacecraft Macross carries civilians and soldiers back home as they were under the threat of Zentradi and Meltradi giant alien races with whom humanity has been in war. In the backdrop of war, the feelings of love stem in Hikaru Ichijiou and Minmay Lynn despite in-approval from others.
Release date | 21 July 1984 |
Language | English |
Running time | 115 minutes |
File type | SRT (Zip file) |