The Japanese futuristic drama film is directed by Rintaro and is based on Osama Tezuka’s manga by the same name. The movie features the voices of Yuka Imo, Keu Kobayashi, Kosei Tomiat, Norio Wakamoto, Junpei Takiguchi, Masaru Ikeda, Takaya Hashi, Toshio Furukawa, Shigeru Chiba, and Masashi Ebara.
In the future world, humans and robots coexist, but the trouble is created by the anti-robot faction. In the midst of this two detectives start searching for a rebel scientist and get his creation, a beautiful girl named Tima. But the search for the scientist is way longer and more difficult than they think.
Release date | 26 May 2001 |
Language | English |
Running time | 113 minutes |
File type | SRT (Zip file) |