Spriggan (1998)- English Subtitles Download

The Japanese animated film is directed by Hirotsugu Kawasaki. The movie is based on Hiroshi Takashige’s manga of the same name. The movie features the voices of Ryuki Aigase, Sakiko Tamagawa, Takehito Koyasu, Showtaro Morikubo, Katsumi Suzuki, Ken Shiroyama, Kinyru Arimoto, Masaaki Yajima, and Shunji. 

Noah’s arch, the world’s oldest artifact, is uncovered and has become a matter of conflict. A group of people wants to destroy it and another group of people wants to enslave the human race with the help of the artifact. The defender’s organization ARCAM sends their elite agents the Spriggan to prevent the conflict. 

Release date5 September 1998
Langauge English
Running time 91 minutes
File typeSRT (Zip file)