Tatsumi (2011) – English Subtitles Download

The japans Singaporean animated drama film is written and directed by Eric Khoo. The movie is based on Yoshihiro Tatsumi’s manga ‘A drifting life’. The movie features the voices of Mike Wilsun, Motoko Gollent, Osada Hiroaki, Oi Hiromi. 

Yoshihiro Tatsumi starts working as a comic artist in post-war Japan. It is the time when Japan is recovering from the horrors of war and rebuilding itself. Tatsumi meets his idol Osama Tezuka and they both invent the gekiga genre of Japanese comics for adults.

Release date17 May 2011
Language English
Running time 98 minutes
File type SRT (Zip file)
Tatsumi Subtitles Download