The Japanese animated tragicomedy adventure film is directed by Satoshi Kon. The movie features the voices of Tooru Emori, Yoshiaki Umegami, Aya Okamoto, Satomi Koorogi, Shaouzou Iizuka and Seizou Kartou and Hiroya Ishamru.
Gin a middle-aged alcoholic, Miytuki a teenage runaway and Hana a former drag queen are living on the streets of Tokyo somehow surviving. They fill their stomach with the leftovers thrown in the community dustbins. On one occasion while they were looking for food in the dustbin they found an abandoned newborn baby. With a very few clues to the baby’s identity they start the search for the baby’s parents.
Release date | 8 November 2003 |
Langauge | English |
Running time | 92 minutes |
File type | SRT (Zip file) |