Director: Sivashankar Dev
In the investigative thriller “C.S.I Sanatan,” directed by Sivashankar Dev, the story centers on a crime scene investigator tasked with unraveling the mysterious murder of a company’s CEO. As the investigator delves into the case and assembles a list of potential suspects, the narrative takes a shocking turn, leading to unexpected revelations. Under Sivashankar Dev’s direction, the film promises to be a gripping exploration of crime, suspense, and the intricate web of motives that drive individuals to commit heinous acts. “C.S.I Sanatan” invites audiences into a world of forensic investigation, where the pursuit of truth unveils unexpected twists and turns in the pursuit of justice.
Release Date | 10 March 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 2h 10m |
C.S.I Sanatan (2023) Subtitles