“Ghar Banduk Biryani,” directed by Hemant Jangal Awtade, weaves a gripping narrative in the backdrop of Kolagad. The story orbits around three disparate individuals: Pallam, a dacoit leader consumed by the pursuit of vengeance; Raya, an earnest police officer confronting personal turmoil; and Raju, deeply in love and entangled in seemingly insurmountable challenges for both love and a secure refuge. As their lives converge in this setting, the tale navigates through the complexities of retribution, personal upheaval, and the enduring fight for love against seemingly impossible odds. The narrative promises to interlace the individual struggles of these characters, showcasing the diverse facets of their existence and the tumultuous paths they tread in pursuit of their desires and resolutions.
Release Date | 7 April 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h 41m |
Ghar Banduk Biryani(2023) Subtitles