“Subhedar,” directed by Digpal Lanjekar, delves into the courageous narrative of Tanhaji Malusare, renowned for his valor during the historic Battle of Sinhagad. The film encapsulates Malusare’s daring exploits, highlighting his pivotal role in the Battle of Sinhagad and his unwavering commitment to defending the land. Furthermore, it explores his significant contributions, from overseeing the construction of the Sindhudurg sea fort to the development of roads in Tal Kokan, portraying the invaluable services rendered by Tanhaji Malusare. The movie endeavors to bring to life the heroic exploits and the multifaceted contributions of this remarkable historical figure, offering a vivid depiction of his fearless acts and enduring legacy in the annals of Indian history.
Release Date | 25 August 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h 34m |
Subhedar (2023) English Subtitles
Subhedar (2023) Hindi Subtitles