Director: Ark Saravan
Genre: Superhero, Fantasy
“Veeran” follows the story of Veeranor, a 15-year-old boy who unexpectedly discovers his extraordinary abilities after emerging from a brief coma. Upon recovering, Veeranor realizes he has gained the superpowers of lightning manipulation and mind control. As he learns to harness these newfound abilities, he faces off against a formidable villain threatening his community. With courage and determination, Veeranor uses his powers to thwart the villain’s plans and prevent a catastrophic electric blast. Directed by Ark Saravan, “Veeran” is a thrilling journey of a young hero coming to terms with his destiny and protecting those he loves.
Release Date | 2 June 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 2h 36m |
Veeran (2023) Subtitles