“Unwelcome,” directed by Jon Wright, unfolds the tale of a couple seeking refuge from their urban troubles in the serenity of rural Ireland. However, their newfound peace is disrupted by unsettling stories of mysterious creatures inhabiting the ancient woods near their home. As warned by locals, these creatures respond when summoned to assist souls in desperate situations. Yet, the couple soon learns that seeking supernatural aid comes at a steep cost, and they must grapple with the consequences of disturbing the enigmatic beings that dwell at the edge of their tranquil retreat. The film explores themes of the unknown, the supernatural, and the intricate balance between seeking help and facing the repercussions of meddling with forces beyond comprehension.
Release Date | 27 January 2022 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 44m |
Unwelcome (2023) Subtitles