In “Boonie Bears: Guardian Code,” directed by Yongchang Lin, the story revolves around Briar and Bramble, two bears who lost their mother under mysterious circumstances when they were very young. Years later, logger Vick takes the bears to visit the Robot Research Institute, where they stumble upon a clue related to the disappearance of Briar and Bramble’s mother. The discovery sets in motion a chain of events that promises to unravel the secrets surrounding their mother’s vanishing. As the bears embark on this journey, the film weaves together elements of mystery and adventure, inviting audiences to join them in uncovering the truth behind their family’s past.
Release Date | 22 January 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 36m |
Boonie Bears: Guardian Code (2023) Subtitles