In “A Place to Fight For,” directed by Romain Cogitore, the plot revolves around Greg, an undercover officer with the DGSI, who encounters Myriam, an environmental activist, at a ZAD (Zone to Defend), leading to a blossoming love. The story takes an intriguing turn when, 18 months later, Greg returns to the ZAD on an official mission, only to discover that Myriam has had a child during his absence. Caught between his professional obligations and the complexities of a newfound romance, Greg faces a challenging decision that has the potential to alter the course of his life. Cogitore’s direction promises a compelling exploration of love, duty, and the consequences of choices made in the midst of conflicting loyalties.
Release Date | 8 June 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 43m |
A Place to Fight For (2023) Subtitles