It is a 2004 German-Spanish CGI animated film directed by Lenard Fritz Krawinkel and Holger Tappe and written by Jan Berger, Donald McEnery, and Bob Shaw. Its star cast is Patrick Stewart, Emily Watson, Glenn Wrage, and Alan Marriott.
Gaya’s lovely world is home to a group of creatures that are considerably smaller than humans but bear an uncanny similarity to them. However, the Gayans are in grave danger. Someone has taken the magical stone known as Dalamite, without which the world will perish. Boo and Zino, two Gayans, set out on a perilous journey to find and recover the stone. As they search for the stone, their quest brings them into a strange and dangerous world.
Release Date | 18 March 2004 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 1h 31m |