Director: Stefon Bristol
In “Breathe,” directed by Stefon Bristol, Earth has become uninhabitable due to a severe lack of oxygen, forcing Maya and her young daughter, Zora, to live underground in a hidden bunker. Their precarious existence is disrupted when a mysterious couple arrives, claiming to have information about the fate of Maya’s missing husband. Despite her reservations, Maya allows the strangers into their sanctuary. However, as hidden truths come to light, Maya and Zora find themselves in a desperate fight for survival. The film explores themes of trust, resilience, and the instinct to protect loved ones in a world where every breath is precious.
Release Date | 26 April 2024 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 33m |
BreatheĀ (2024) Subtitles