Director: Travis Ketzak
In the poignant drama “Broken People,” directed by Travis Ketzak, the story unfolds as Brett and Jake cross paths in a bar, deciding to drown their sorrows in whiskey. The narrative takes audiences on a journey as the two protagonists embark on a night of forgetting the past, ignoring the future, and exploring life, love, and tragedy together. Under Travis Ketzak’s direction, the film promises to be a heartfelt exploration of human connection, shared experiences, and the fleeting beauty of a single fateful night. “Broken People” invites viewers to join Brett and Jake on a journey of self-discovery and the profound impact of companionship in the face of life’s complexities.
Release Date | February 18 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 35m |
Broken People (2023) Subtitles