Creator: Dalit Kahan
In the gripping narrative of “Broken Ties,” created by Dalit Kahan, the story unfolds around a homeless pregnant woman thrust into an involuntary role as an undercover agent. Recruited by a police inspector, she becomes a crucial part of an international criminal investigation focused on the kidnapping and trafficking of newborns through the Darknet. Under Dalit Kahan’s creation, the series promises to be a riveting exploration of crime, suspense, and the complexities of navigating the criminal underworld to bring justice. “Broken Ties” invites audiences to delve into a world where the ties between motherhood, crime, and morality are tested in a high-stakes and emotionally charged investigation.
Release Date | November 16 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 17m |
Battlebox (2023) Subtitles