Directed by Max Lowe and Ryan Brophy, “Camp Courage” presents a poignant documentary following the compelling journey of a young girl displaced by the turmoil of the war in Ukraine. Accompanied by her grandmother, the girl embarks on an emotional voyage to a summer camp nestled in the serene expanse of the Alps. As the story unfolds, it intricately explores the girl’s resilience and bravery, portraying her quest to overcome the challenges she faces in an unfamiliar setting. “Camp Courage” offers a moving narrative that sheds light on the profound strength and courage found within the human spirit, capturing the transformative journey of a displaced child navigating new experiences, testing her limits, and finding resilience in the face of adversity.
Release Date | 15 October 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 33m |
Camp Courage (2023) Subtitles