In “Colonials,” directors Andrew Balek and Joe Bland orchestrate a captivating interstellar drama that unfolds when a space colonist, originally en route from Mars, crashes onto Earth. The plot intricately weaves together elements of survival, resistance, and the broader fate of humanity. The protagonist finds themselves entangled in a mission to rescue a Resistance group stranded in a primitive era, facing the looming threat of an advanced Moon enforcer. As the story unfolds, the directors promise a cosmic adventure that not only explores the clash between futuristic technologies and ancient civilizations but also grapples with the overarching specter of human extinction. “Colonials” is poised to be a compelling journey through space, time, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Release Date | 7 April 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 20m |
Colonials (2023) Subtitles