Directors: Onyx Keesha, Gino Raphael Payne
“Crescent Gang,” directed by Onyx Keesha and Gino Raphael Payne, follows the story of foster kids who face heartbreak upon learning that their home is sold, leading to their imminent separation. A successful family attorney, who has experienced the foster system herself, begins to question the purpose behind her skills and talents. As their paths intertwine, the film explores themes of resilience, compassion, and the transformative power of connection. “Crescent Gang” delivers a heartfelt narrative that sheds light on the challenges faced by those in the foster system while emphasizing the importance of help and hope for those brave enough to seek it.
Release Date | June 13 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 22m |
Crescent Gang (2023) Subtitles