DogMan (2023), directed by Luc Besson, tells the harrowing story of Douglas, a boy who endures severe abuse at the hands of his violent father. Cast out and thrown to a pack of dogs, Douglas finds an unlikely refuge as the dogs protect him instead of attacking. This traumatic childhood experience shapes his life as he grows up on the fringes of society, forming an unbreakable bond with his canine companions. However, the scars of his past drive him into a dark and violent path, leading him into a spiral of madness. The film explores themes of trauma, loyalty, and the primal instincts that emerge from pain, showcasing a complex character caught between his humanity and the brutal circumstances of his life.
Release Date | 27 September 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 55m |
DogMan (2023) Subtitles