Directors: Derek Braasch, Marcelo Fabani, Phil Herman
“Doomsday Stories” unfolds as a narrative told by a survivor in an apocalyptic world, recounting stories that led to the end of the world. Directed by Derek Braasch, Marcelo Fabani, and Phil Herman, the film likely weaves together various tales that contributed to the collapse of civilization. The collaboration of these directors suggests a multifaceted approach, combining different perspectives and storytelling styles to create a comprehensive portrayal of the events that led to doomsday in this post-apocalyptic setting. “Doomsday Stories” promises a gripping exploration of humanity’s downfall, offering a mosaic of interconnected narratives in a world teetering on the brink of collapse.
Release Date | 12 May 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 2h |
Doomsday Stories (2023) Subtitles