“Dumb Money,” directed by Craig Gillespie, delves into the extraordinary events surrounding the GameStop stock saga. Everyday people take matters into their own hands, flipping the script on Wall Street and turning GameStop into a global sensation. At the heart of the frenzy is Keith Gill, an ordinary individual who risks his life savings by investing heavily in the stock. As Gill’s social media posts gain traction, a financial movement is born, making fortunes for those involved. However, the billionaires of Wall Street aren’t willing to yield easily, leading to a clash that disrupts the lives of everyone caught in the crossfire. The film likely explores themes of individual empowerment, the unpredictable nature of financial markets, and the impact of social media on modern investing.
Release Date | 15 September 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 44m |
Dumb Money (2023) Subtitles