El salto (2023), directed by Benito Zambrano, tells the story of Ibrahim, a man who seemingly has it all—a home, a partner named Mariama, and a job in Madrid. However, the weight of his past and his desire to return to Morocco push him to a dramatic decision. Ibrahim believes that the only way to reconnect with his roots is to physically cross the fence that separates Morocco from the Spanish protectorate of Melilla. This daring act symbolizes the deep inner conflict between his present life and his past, and the film delves into themes of migration, identity, and the lengths one will go to for a sense of belonging. It challenges the boundaries between two worlds and presents a tense, emotional journey about what it means to find one’s way back home.
Release Date | March 3, 2024 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 36m |
El salto (2023) Subtitles