Empty Gazes (2023), directed by Curtis Everitt, is a thought-provoking two-part anthology featuring the stories Blank Stare and Reboot. In Blank Stare, a mysterious man in a mask harbors a dark vendetta against a woman, delving into themes of obsession and revenge. Reboot takes a speculative approach, warning about the risks of automated banking in a dystopian future where the human touch in financial systems is replaced by impersonal machines. Together, these tales explore unsettling perspectives on technology, anonymity, and human disconnection, leaving viewers to question the cost of progress and the dangers lurking behind empty gazes.
Release Date | October 13, 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 33m |
Empty Gazes (2023) Subtitles