Director: Hiroshi Katagiri
“End of Loyalty,” directed by Hiroshi Katagiri, explores a gripping narrative where the head of a crime family is killed by a rival faction. In the aftermath, the deceased leader’s son, Grant, is consumed by grief and vows to seek retribution. As his grief transforms into a path of violence, his best friend Ray, a federal agent, becomes determined to prevent Grant from spiraling into a dangerous and vengeful path. Hiroshi Katagiri’s direction promises an intense and suspenseful story of loyalty, revenge, and the blurred lines between justice and vengeance. “End of Loyalty” likely navigates the complex dynamics of crime families and the choices individuals make when faced with personal loss and the desire for retribution.
Release Date | March 7 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 31m |
End of Loyalty (2023) Subtitles