Everwinter Night (2023), directed by Adam Newman, follows lifelong best friends Maddy and V, who plan a serene vacation to reconnect. Their plans take an unexpected turn when their former college friends join, dragging them to a remote ski lodge where an enigmatic and affluent group of men are hosting a lavish, eerie celebration steeped in mystery and tradition. Amid the wintery isolation, V uncovers unsettling secrets behind the festivities, which appear linked to a ritual a century in the making. Tension escalates as the friends find themselves entangled in a dark, chilling event that forces them to confront hidden motives and unsettling truths.
Release Date | February 20, 2024 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 45m |
Everwinter Night (2023) Subtitles