Director: Lindsay Hartley
“Falling for a Killer,” directed by Lindsay Hartley, unfolds a suspenseful narrative with Darcy Young, an Assistant DA, invited to her estranged parents’ country house to meet her sister’s fiancé, Thomas. However, as Thomas’s behavior becomes erratic, Darcy discovers that he may pose a danger to the entire family. Lindsay Hartley’s direction likely promises a thrilling blend of mystery, tension, and familial drama as Darcy unravels the secrets and potential threats surrounding her sister’s relationship. “Falling for a Killer” is expected to provide an intense and engaging storyline, exploring themes of trust, danger, and the lengths one goes to protect their loved ones.
Release Date | 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 30m |
Falling for a Killer (2023) Subtitles