Director: Paul Dudbridge
“Fear the Invisible Man,” directed by Paul Dudbridge, unfolds a chilling narrative as a young British widow shelters an old medical school colleague who has mysteriously turned himself invisible. As his isolation deepens and his sanity unravels, he plots to unleash a reign of wanton murder and terror across the city, with the widow being the only one aware of his existence. Paul Dudbridge’s direction likely promises a psychological thriller filled with suspense, horror, and the eerie consequences of unchecked power. “Fear the Invisible Man” is expected to offer a tense and captivating story as the widow grapples with the threat posed by the invisible antagonist.
Release Date | June 13 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 40m |
Fear the Invisible Man (2023) Subtitles